11 November 2021 @ 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (UTC+1)
Web3D Geospatial Summit
- Nicholas Polys – Virginia Tech
- John Ouellette – Versar
- Peter Sforza – Satellite Arts
- Tamrat Belayneh – Esri
- Peter Gagliardi – Cesium
KEYWORDS. Geospatial 3D, Web3D, Realtime Graphics
ABSTRACT. Building on the dialogues and successes from recent SIGGRAPH Carto-BOFs, we propose a more focused workshop on applications, interoperability, and technical roadmaps including OGC and Web3D Standards.
We have confirmed attendees from Web3D Geospatial WG, Cesium, and ESRI to hold a workshop on geospatial data and workflows for Web3D publishing. Several stakeholders including facilities (UD Gov) and practitioners (lidar, photogrammetry) will discuss the requirements and challenges to processing and publishing Geospatial data for WWW applications.